Forum / Circle Jerk

  • Gun.thumb
    Chris Okum
    Jan 26, 08:37pm

    So I wrote the following song ten years ago, but I think it's really great because I wrote it, so I'm going to let you hear it, because I know you've been waiting and waiting for me to present something new, or something old, I don't think it really matters, every song I write is great, whether I wrote it right now or ten years ago, I mean, what's the difference, you know you want it, so I'm going to give it to you, and then, when I'm done with this song I wrote so long ago I don't even remember why I wrote it or what its supposed to be about, I'm going to invite some of my friends to come in and applaud for me, or maybe they're already here, yes, yes they are, there they are, my friends, they're here to applaud for me, because that's what friends are for, at least that's what my friends are for, to applaud for me, and when they're done applauding for me and screaming bravo and throwing roses at my feet I'm going to put down my guitar and applaud for them, for all of you, because I have to let my friends know that I appreciate them applauding for me, that I appreciate them appreciating me, even though, to be honest with you, I can't remember the last time I sat out there and applauded for anyone else, even though some of my best friends are singer songwriters just like me, all my friends, except for you sir, yes, you sir, you're not my friend, you're just here because why, because you wanted to be here, because you bought a ticker, and you say you're not here for me, you're here for someone else, or maybe you're just here for yourself, well, that's fine, I don't care if you're not my friend, that's okay, I'll be your friend even if you're not my friend, but if you're going to stay then you should probably applaud for me, that would be the polite thing to do, because I'm fucking great, look at my pants, look at how I'm standing, great me don't wear these pants and stand like this if they aren't great, so just acknowledge my greatness, I think you should, even though you're indicating to me that you're not going to, that's fine, then maybe you should leave, uh-huh, what's that, this is why you never come here to begin with, what, that's why you you always leave, okay, that's fine, please, exit through the doors directly behind you, and please, please don't let the doors hit you on the way out, that's good, alright, now everyone, please let's all get our hands ready, warm them up, the fun is about to begin.

  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Jan 26, 08:50pm

    I've come to clap for the hair. Superb. Hair like that doesn't grow on trees.

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    Mathew Paust
    Jan 26, 10:43pm

    I clap for Letitia's comment. And for the sentence. And now I wait to hear you say, thankyouverymuchthankyouthankyouthankyouverymuch...

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    Oliver Hunt
    Jan 30, 03:09am

    This is kinda funny, because I just read Alex Chilton's biography, and this is maybe kinda like the rough, still kind of a narcissist post Big Star era. Or maybe even post Box Tops pre Big Star

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