Forum / Invites....?

  • Img_1764.thumb
    Neil McCarthy
    Sep 25, 04:46pm

    Can anyone shed any light on the Invites situation? I've tried messaging the two people whose names are on the contact page, but no reply. Do we have to earn invites?! I just have 2 or 3 friends who are writers who are itching to get on here!

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    David Ackley
    Sep 25, 06:27pm

    You've already tried the "Invite Friends," function on your page?

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    David Ackley
    Sep 25, 06:33pm

    If it doesn't show you as having any "Invitations to give," let me know as I've got several and would be glad to let you have them, that is, invite anyone you designate on your behalf. Normally it would just be a matter of Jurgen supplying them to you, which he's not reluctant to do.

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