Forum / Norman Mailer

  • Best_guy_ever.thumb
    Aug 03, 07:56pm
  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Aug 04, 01:25am

    Howz 'bout some closed captions for the Hulu impaired?


  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Aug 04, 08:29pm

    If Norman Mailer was coming into his own today, he would be everywhere. You would not be able to avoid him. Entirely too much energy and damn few boundaries, which is a handicap for some and a gold mine for others.

    It helped that he was brilliant. Otherwise, he would have wound up in maximum security.

  • Best_guy_ever.thumb
    Aug 13, 09:41pm

    Could you imagine Mailer (who, for some reason, I didn't know was Jewish...), Bukowski, Hemmingway, etc., wasting their time on twitter accounts, websites and so on?

    Besides being a completely repulsive thought due, in part, to the siphoning off of their energies in endless self-promotion and "expressing themselves" in non-profitable ways, it also would have prevented them from being the true freaks they were (assuming they would have prettied-up their thoughts) or absolutely destroyed them in the public eye (if they were honest).

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