Forum / Sheldon Lee Compton @ CPR

  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    May 07, 02:28pm
  • Kreuzberg,%20germany%201992.thumb
    Robert Vaughan
    May 07, 02:53pm

    Shaldon? What's not to love? Brilliance. Thanks for posting, Barry!

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    Henry Standing Bear
    May 07, 05:22pm

    Hey oh! Thanks so much, Barry!

    Also, for those who may go have a look, that'll be the only place you can find it, as I've now deleted it here at Fictionaut. Thought it only proper.

    And thanks to you, Robert! Always a pleasure to see that you've read something of mine, hoss.

  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    May 07, 06:44pm

    Thanks, Sheldon. I appreciate your consideration in letting CPR be the sole source for viewing your fine piece during the week it's featured there.

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    Henry Standing Bear
    May 08, 11:08pm

    Barry, it is my true pleasure, my man. Thanks again!

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    Ann Bogle
    May 11, 06:52am

    I hope the reason I never write again may be death, but until then, I find this story, Biograph, dramatically sad. We all may wish we had not existed yet I do not wish I had not written as I wrote. Whatever that means in practical ways. Biograph is a unique tale told by Sheldon Lee Compton; the writer's lament for having written is sometimes felt. I like the line near the end about not showering after playing basketball and going to bed grimy. I like all of it, actually, as a foot path where Sheldon Lee Compton's talent led rather than as something sad that takes place in the story. Like is not the true word for that. Let down is a term for that or as James Joyce's young man decides in "Araby" -- called "the epiphany" -- vanity is all, a disappointment that lasts forever, one the reader may feel fleetingly compared to the writer.

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    Henry Standing Bear
    May 15, 01:24pm

    Thanks, Ann. Fine and kind words.

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