Forum / strannikov @ metazen

  • Photo_00020.thumb
    Jan 17, 01:16pm

    "Schadenfreude Ubiquitous" is today's new feature @ Metazen (thanks Chris, thanks Frank):

    (Old strannikov favorites and strannikov pieces that never attained "favorite" status can still be found at strannikov's Fictionaut page, among them the recent posting "When Not Smiling, Fortuna Only Smiles", which presently appears only @ Fictionaut.)


  • Photo_00020.thumb
    Jan 17, 01:35pm

    Someone: remind me NEVER to post without coffee.

    Ahem: (well, plus strannikov has no reliable memory concerning the titles of his stories, he's shown this capability more than once) . . . the errr ummm uhhh story NOW posted @ Fictionaut to favorable regard is properly titled "When Not Laughing, Fortuna Only Smiles". < < --- This is the ACTUAL title for the actual story. (I'll have to return with the link for it, too, I still haven't had my coffee!)

  • Photo_00020.thumb
    Jan 17, 01:37pm

    SEE! I got it right the second time!

    But check out the story @ Metazen, too, especially since I already dutifully provided the link for it.

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