Forum / Bill Yarrow on Moving Poems

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Jan 15, 11:02pm

    This popped up in my Feedreader today. I love Moving Poems and was delighted to see this poem of Bill's as today's selection. I think Nic Sebastian did a great job creating this video.

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    Barry Basden
    Jan 15, 11:50pm

    love it. really well done...

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    Gary Hardaway
    Jan 16, 12:53am


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    Amanda Harris
    Jan 16, 02:34am

    I've always wanted someone to put music to my poems, so I have to admit I'm a little jealous.

    That being said, this is wonderfully entertaining.

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    Sam Rasnake
    Jan 16, 04:35am

    Great job with Bill's poem. Always enjoy Nic's readings.

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