Forum / Site of Reversible Destiny

  • Blank_sp.thumb
    Carol Reid
    Jan 09, 04:47pm

    No, not Fnaut, but here-

    This delighted me!

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jan 12, 12:52am

    Wait. This is a real place?!!

  • Blank_sp.thumb
    Carol Reid
    Jan 12, 07:10pm

    Fun, eh? I love this-

    "Because the Site of Reversible Destiny-Yoro Park has many steep slopes, we advise that you wear rubber-heeled shoes."

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jan 12, 09:15pm

    This is my favorite:

    "Should an unexpected event occur, freeze in place for as long as you see fit. Then adopt a more suitable (for being more thought out) position for an additional twenty seconds or so."

    I feel like that's advice applicable to life in general.

    And the bit about rubber heeled shoes. Life's hard enough without having to moil through in unsuitable footwear.

    Also, reaching the point where practicality is a major factor in footwear choice should be considered a life milestone on par with getting a driver's license or voting or being able to buy one's own booze.

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