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  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Jan 06, 05:59pm

    The fuck?

    These guys are putting up ads on my public fnaut stories. I've blocked them, but:

    1. Has fnaut been hacked or...

    2. Is it an fnaut attempt to garner revenue?

  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Jan 06, 06:42pm

    That is, I blocked it so that I can't see the ads. I doubt that blocks them for anyone else.

  • Best_guy_ever.thumb
    Jan 06, 06:50pm

    Would YOU create/run this site for free?

    ANYTHING that generates income for this site is a good thing.

  • Best_guy_ever.thumb
    Jan 06, 07:03pm

    "2. Is it an fnaut attempt to garner revenue?"

    Money must flow.

    Adults understand this.

  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Jan 06, 07:28pm

    First time I saw the ads was today. After all these years, Ausbon.

    And BTW, in case you don't know, I've created my own site for free. With a 4-figure annual award for the stuff I like best there. Sort of an editor's eye on steroids, if you will...

  • Best_guy_ever.thumb
    Jan 06, 07:46pm

    The ads have been here for years.

    You might/must have (inadvertently/just) experienced a change in your browser setting, re pop-ups.

    But still, for a site that benefits so many (my own writing has improved over my years here)

    I say go for it.
    MAKE money.
    That's why you get up in the morning.

    An eight-year-old kid with a paper-route in 1963 understood that.

    You do things for a purpose.

    Not everything is free.

  • Blank_sp.thumb
    Carol Reid
    Jan 06, 07:53pm

    No, but in that way-of-cliches-being-true, the best things are free. I'd teach that eight-year old to give part of that money away.

    I've had several disagreements about this very thing with some high-powered, well-off friends, and they are always exasperated with me but...

    It's great to be able to give it away. It always comes back in something even better.

  • Best_guy_ever.thumb
    Jan 06, 08:04pm

    But you can't generate/create/ a site as wonderful as Fnaut for free.

    Money must flow.

    Money is the life-blood.

  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Jan 06, 08:11pm


    Well, shut my mouth. Here I been in my lil cocoon all this time. Would never click on them anyway. Still, I'm shocked. Shocked, to find out...

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Jan 06, 09:30pm
  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Jan 06, 09:38pm

    For the record, I'm not bothered by the ads. We don't have to pay to play (which fwiw I would do if need be to support the site, ala Duotrope).

  • Photo%2015.thumb
    Gary Hardaway
    Jan 07, 03:27am

    The ads are annoying but I am happy to notice or ignore them as I choose. Something has to pay the bills and maybe even reward the invention and maintenance of a site I enjoy daily; a fee-based alternative or perpetual pleas for contributions would be less satisfactory.

  • Wince_cover2.thumb
    Barry Basden
    Jan 07, 03:55am

    Not me. I'd rather pay in a more straight forward way. As it is now, I pay nothing and only saw the ads briefly--and by accident, it seems, when my ad blocker must have flickered.

  • Best_guy_ever.thumb
    Jan 07, 03:58am

    "Something has to pay the bills and maybe even reward the invention and maintenance of a site I enjoy daily"


    In this digital age
    where everything is free
    and no one gets paid...

    artists starve.

  • Best_guy_ever.thumb
    Jan 07, 04:10am

    "I'd rather pay in a more straight forward way."

    Well, actually, me too.

    IF (this site)

    would return the previously-existing formatting capabilities.

    I'd definitely buck up a few buckles per month.

  • 62698557287.thumb
    Matthew Robinson
    Jan 07, 06:33am

    I hate paying for things; they cost money. Have you seen the price of toothbrushes lately? Obscene. I was born with fingers and fingernails, they work just as well.

    Also, does anyone have an extra mirror I could borrow?

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