Forum / Puzzling out Tumblr

  • Blank_sp.thumb
    Carol Reid
    Jan 04, 08:32pm

    Thanks to Frankie Sachs I have joined the world of Tumblr and as usual with new things am going through a time of cluelessness about how to use it, but! I'll catch on soonish. Meanwhile I plan to post my old, long stories there, since several of the online and print journals where they were published are defunct. So if you'd like to read or follow me I am here-

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jan 04, 09:38pm

    Welcome to Tumblr. :)

    It was Marcus Speh that turned me on to it initially, with Kaffe in Katmandu.

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Jan 05, 12:23am

    I'm on there too, Carol, (Flogging the Demons) so I'll look for you. Chrck out Frankie's prompt site 365/52, too. Some really good stories there:

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jan 05, 12:51am

    Did you get the email, Charlotte?

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Jan 05, 02:32am

    Tumblr eluded me. I am sooooo damn old.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Jan 05, 02:34am

    Loved that first story, Carol.

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    Carol Reid
    Jan 05, 03:46am

    Oh yeah, I remember Kaffe in Katmandu.Marcus sure had the media thing cased.

    Charlotte, I'm following you, and you're following me :)

    Thanks for the read James! ( see, it's not so different ) I too am old in years, I just forget I am , most of the time.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jan 13, 09:30am

    @Carol - I love the one with the salmon. Beautiful.

  • Blank_sp.thumb
    Carol Reid
    Jan 13, 06:28pm

    Thanks, Frankie. So many interesting stories coming out of your 365/52 blog! I enjoy the feeling of spontaneity there.

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Jan 13, 06:59pm

    I agree with Carol., Frankie. I'm really enjoying the reads and the participation.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jan 13, 08:35pm

    Every morning I am so excited to see what new stuff got posted. We are pretty damn awesome. (I say, modestly.)

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