Forum / The finalists for the Fourteenth Glass Woman Prize include Fictionauters

  • Beate_close-up-0334_copy_(1).thumb
    Beate Sigriddaughter
    Nov 04, 08:32pm

    Brenda Blakey, Cerrid Wynn, Lynn Beighley, and Nonnie Augustine. Congratulations.

  • Cezarija Abartis
    Nov 04, 09:30pm

    How wondeful for Fictionaut! What a compliment to the site!

  • Nuclearman2_1_.thumb
    Christian Bell
    Nov 05, 09:18pm

    Congrats to all the finalists!

  • Panama_hat.thumb
    Nonnie Augustine
    Nov 07, 05:09pm

    Thank you, Fictionaut and thank you, lovely Beate.

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