Forum / Two Days and Five Fictionaut Stories

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    Henry Standing Bear
    Sep 17, 11:23pm

    I pick five cool stories I've read in the past two days here at Bent Country. Have a look.

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    Ann Bogle
    Sep 17, 11:38pm


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    James Claffey
    Sep 18, 12:50am

    thanks sheldon, appreciate the read and the nod!

  • Frankie Saxx
    Sep 18, 07:25am

    That is a cool idea, Sheldon. Those are all good picks & Chris's Guantanamo Zen is exceptional.

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    Pia Ehrhardt
    Sep 18, 11:20pm

    Thank you for including Brides. And, your website! It's 100 X better than an Advent Calendar. Or, wait. Than Jeopardy. Talk about cool.

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    Sam Rasnake
    Sep 19, 12:46pm

    Good selections, Sheldon.

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    Henry Standing Bear
    Sep 19, 12:55pm

    Thanks and most welcome and boy was it fun picking and choosing from so many fine stories.

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    Matthew Robinson
    Sep 19, 06:46pm

    "The Boy Who Knew Death" is a damn fine piece of prose.

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    Chris Okum
    Sep 19, 07:07pm

    That was very kind of you, Sheldon. Thank you.

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    Carol Reid
    Sep 20, 04:44am

    This is a generous gesture, Sheldon and a great way to spread the word about superior work posted on this site.

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    Henry Standing Bear
    Sep 20, 09:58pm

    Glad you all enjoyed these as much as me, and thanks for reading.

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