Forum / 'barcode: bar stories' is now available to purchase

  • Matt004sm.thumb
    Matt Potter
    Aug 30, 12:34pm

    Pure Slush is pleased to announce the release of 'barcode: bar stories Pure Slush Vol. 8'.

    Filled with tales of lonely Lotharios, drunken desperadoes, mean managers, bruiser bartenders and cock-eyed customers, its 32 stories (both fiction and non-fiction) are sure to make you smile and weep and say, 'Remember that time we walked into a bar ...'

    Featuring the work of Christopher Allen, Arthur Carey, Norman Conquest, Martha Rand, Joanna Delooze, S. H. Gall, Gloria Garfunkel, Walter Giersbach, Karen Eileen Sikola, Teresa Burns Gunther, Kyle Hemmings, Len Kuntz, Matt McGee, Matt Potter, Misti Rainwater-Lites, Stephen V. Ramey, Desmond Shortt, Beate Sigriddaughter, Diana J. Wynne, Christine Cook, Alun Williams, Andrew J. Stone, Jennifer Chardon, Shane Frazier, Ramon Collins, Ben Tanzer, Joanne Jagoda, Paul Combs, Joyce Juzwik and Claudia Bierschenk.

    Click here to purchase the book:

    Click here for 'a taste of barcode':

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