Forum / Firefox vs. Google Chrome

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    mxi wodd
    Aug 06, 02:47am

    Adobe Flash Player is CONSTANTLY crashing on Firefox (Windows 7).

    Youtube either won't play or stops every 30 seconds.

    This doesn't happen on IE, but I find that one slow and unwieldly in all other regards.

    I don't like changing browsers, don't like re-learning how to walk/talk.

    Is Google Chrome considered Gooder?

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Aug 06, 04:01am

    Chrome is great. Easy. No problems here. I recommend. Had FF before, Chrome is mo bettah.

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    mxi wodd
    Aug 06, 04:29am

    But it's DIFFERENT, Charlotte, n' different is scary!

    Ok. I've got to give it a try. This Adobe thing is driving me nuts. I opened it once and didn't see a place for bookmarks/favorites, but I'm sure it's there...



    P.S. Are you SURE Google won't steal my soul (browsing history) and sell it to the commies?

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    Matthew Robinson
    Aug 06, 09:10am

    To even ponder an answer to that question makes my browsing history ache.

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    mxi wodd
    Aug 06, 03:21pm

    I did the old Chrome vs. Firefox thing and it (some computer magazine/site) gave a detailed break-down on how FF was essentially "better."

    So I googled FF latest version download. Turns out I was about ten generations behind.

    So far, much better!

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Aug 06, 05:10pm

    Your browsing history will be small potatoes when the black helicopters come.....

    Glad you found your happy place after all.

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    mxi wodd
    Aug 06, 05:13pm


  • Images000001.thumb
    Aug 06, 05:29pm

    They don't use black helicopters anymore. The New World Order has sub-contracted the job to angry old men in silver Toyotas. You'll never see them coming, but when they do...

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    mxi wodd
    Aug 06, 06:16pm

    "Where does it hurt, son?"

    " my browsing history. Oh....!"


    (reaches under desk, pushes silent alarm, opens drawer containing the duct tape, chloroform...)

  • Frankie Saxx
    Aug 09, 05:44pm

    See, the problem here is not actually your browser.

    The problem here is that everything Adobe touches is shit.

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    mxi wodd
    Aug 09, 05:52pm

    "The problem here is that everything Adobe touches is shit."


    I'm beginning to think the same thing.

    There's an Adobe update available.

    There's an Adobe update available.

    There's an Adobe update available.

    So I do it and it just makes things worse...

    (silent weeping)

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