Forum / Draft: a journal of process

  • Richter.thumb
    Aug 01, 05:32pm

    I have a short piece up on the evolution of one sentence:


  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Aug 02, 12:05am

    Excellent. I like your courage here and the determination to say what you feel, and to say it through until the thought is fully formed and finished. Nice!

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Aug 02, 12:09am

    This is wonderful Marcelle. I like the view of transformations here.

  • Dsc_0162.thumb
    Michelle Elvy
    Aug 02, 03:00am

    Hey that is really neat. I love how you talk about your writing and construct and deconstruct the process sentence by sentence.

    Curious - where'd the name Stoffi come from? I have a friend called Stoff/ Stoffi (from Christoph), so I wonder if this comes from an old family nickname? I also have friend named Gert (also a male and usually a male name). I like your name choices but they are most uncommon for German girls' names.

  • Richter.thumb
    Aug 02, 03:19pm

    Thank you so much Darryl, Sam, and Michelle for reading. Michelle - my mom had a childhood friend named Stoffi, and I did some online research for Gert. I like how different the names sound as well :)

  • Images000001.thumb
    Aug 02, 10:42pm

    I love to see evolutions like this. Thanks for sharing it.

  • Richter.thumb
    Aug 02, 11:38pm

    Thank you, Gone, for reading!

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