Forum / Susan Tepper chats with author Alex Pruteanu

  • Jimharrington.thumb
    Jim Harrington
    Aug 01, 01:22pm

    In this month's edition of UNCOV/rd, Susan Tepper chats with author Alex Pruteanu.

    Alex M. Pruteanu emigrated to the United States from Romania in 1980. He has worked as a journalist, a television news director, freelance writer, and editor. He is the author of novella “Short Lean Cuts” (Amazon Publishing) and “Gears: A Collection” (Independent Talent Group, Inc.).

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    Michelle Elvy
    Aug 02, 03:02am

    Nice interview. Alex puts a lot of care into his answers, as he does with his stories. I would not expect anything less. Well worth a read, and well worth getting to the end -- which paints a perfect scene. Thanks for sharing, Jim! And congrats to Susan and Alex on the interview.

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Aug 02, 03:33am

    Powerful notion:

    "The idea of movement (being displaced, uprooted, exile, and dissidence) holds much gravity and import in immigrant communities; it’s a traumatic experience leaving all that you know behind, often times for good, and in some way or another— whether on the surface or buried beneath the lines— that experience is ever-present in almost all of my stories."

    Thanks Alex and Susan for this chat.

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    Michelle Elvy
    Aug 02, 04:28am

    Yes, Sam, great quote to pull out. And I find this to be true of Alex's work, too. I'm reading Gears just now... and I've read his work before at Blue Five and other places, of course. This underlying tension or experience is a key factor in his writing. I like how he talks about that.

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    Matthew Robinson
    Aug 02, 06:39am

    Great talk.

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