Forum / Fave acknowledgment

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Jul 20, 07:11pm

    Is there a way to know who faves your work when they don't also leave a comment? I appreciate the stars and would like to acknowledge them. If there's no way to know, can this be fixed?


  • Frankie Saxx
    Jul 20, 07:33pm

    If you follow people, you can see what they favorite in the activity stream. (It's not foolproof obviously, but if there's a better way, I don't know it.)

    One of the ones w/o comment was me. (I usually star right away, but don't always comment immediately.)

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jul 20, 07:42pm

    Thought: It would be cool if you could just click on the faves list and see who else liked a story.

    Of course, then you'd all know what a slut faver I am.

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    mxi wodd
    Jul 20, 08:16pm

    "Log Out"

    and if you're in the correct time-frame

    you'll see all recent activity

    (und perphaps yer faverer...)

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    mxi wodd
    Jul 20, 08:17pm

    ((I've done it murny times to discover the few, the shy, the brave...)

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    Charlotte Hamrick
    Jul 20, 09:14pm

    Yrah, sometimes I'll catch it I the "recent activity"but that whole thread seems a bit hit or miss to me.

    Anyway, to,all who have faved or will fave me I say Thanks!

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jul 21, 03:34pm

    @CD: ... the lazy...

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