Forum / Million Writers Award Nominations

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    Ann Bogle
    Jul 11, 07:39pm

    Dear Editors, Readers, and Writers:

    Nominations accepted through August 3, 2013. Editors, readers, and writers may nominate. Please consider donating to support the prize.

    Eligible short stories must have been published in online journals in 2012 and must be 1,000 words in length or longer.

    My eligible short stories are as follows:

    "Hymen" in Ragazine, Mike Foldes and Metta Sama, Eds., January 2012.

    "In a Basket" in Thrice Fiction, R.W. Spryszak, Ed., March 2012.

    "Animals in Reverse" in Altered Scale, Jeff Hansen, Ed., March 2012.

    "Dumb Luck" in Asymptote, Lee Yew Leong, April 2012.

    "Still Life in a Bowl" in Intellectual Refuge, Christopher Schnieders and Christa Forster, Eds., April 2012.

    "The Cool Report" in MadHat 13, Marc Vincenz, Ed., May 2012.

    Thanks for your consideration. ~AMB

    Please list your eligible stories here:

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    Elizabeth Kate Switaj
    Jul 14, 08:36pm

    My eligible stories are:

    "The Woman You Don't Expect" in The Kenyon Review Online, Fall 2012

    "In This House" in Sundog Lit, August 2012

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    Elizabeth Kate Switaj
    Jul 14, 08:38pm

    Oops actually, I should have read that a bit closer. My stories aren't long enough to be eligible.

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    James Claffey
    Jul 15, 12:07am

    me too, i suppose. too much of a lean towards brevity!

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    Marcus Speh
    Jul 15, 06:22am

    My eligible longer stories published in 2012 were:

    1- DEMONS, Bluestem Magazine, ed. Roxane Gay

    2- ANDROID CLIPPINGS, Thrice Fiction Magazine 5, ed. Robert Spryszak
    Text (temporarily) here:

    3- SPEAKING OF WOMEN, Zouch Magazine

    4- THANK YOU FOR YOUR SPERM, the view from here, ed. Claire King

    Thank you! Cheers from Berlin, Marcus

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    Marcus Speh
    Jul 15, 06:29am

    I forgot one:

    5- FIVE NIGHTMARES, The Rusty Nail, June 2012
    Text (temporarily) here:

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    Jane Flett
    Jul 16, 12:27pm

    I'm confused, why are we listing these here? Is it so Fictionaut readers can nominate them if they like them?

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Jul 16, 12:41pm

    Readers may also submit nominations to the Million Writers Award, Jane. There's a separate accounting for editors.

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    Matthew Robinson
    Jul 16, 07:13pm

    Just one, for me:

    - "Apnea" in >kill author, Issue 20.

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    Jul 16, 08:03pm

    Solamente uno pour moi:

    "Once the Excrement Encounters the Oscillating Rotary Air Circulator", Metazen 5 April 2012, Frank Hinton, Publ. and Christopher Allen, Ed.

    (Over 1000 words long last I looked. Grazie, Frank and Chris.)

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