Forum / Small press recommendations?

  • 408a4808.thumb
    Kait Mauro
    Jul 06, 05:04pm

    Hello all,

    I'm looking for small presses to send my collection of poems out to, in the hopes of eventually having them published together. However, google is leaving me rather overwhelmed. Any recommendations from the FN community?


  • Coffee_house_lies_cover_for_kindle.thumb
    Carly Berg
    Jul 06, 07:05pm

    Hi, Kait. This doesn't answer your question exactly, but I am somewhat in the same boat with my (mostly) flash story collection. I started at Poets & Writers and duotrope and keyed in what I was looking for. Then I checked out each one on my list, with a google search and also checked Amazon to see what kind of books they've published and how many. Here's a link to the Poets & Writers search engine, if you don't know it. Maybe someone else will have some specific ones to suggest. Good luck!

  • Nicolette_apr_2012.thumb
    Nicolette Wong
    Jul 10, 07:22pm
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