Forum / New from Blue Fifth Review... Poet Special is online

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Jun 30, 12:43pm

    The Poet Special Issue, featuring new works and commentary by Bill Yarrow, is now online.


    Sam Rasnake & Michelle Elvy

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    Gary Hardaway
    Jun 30, 03:07pm

    Congrats to Bill and BFR.

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    Bill Yarrow
    Jun 30, 04:44pm

    Thank you, Sam and Michelle! I'm honored to be in your pages.

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    Ann Bogle
    Jun 30, 09:22pm

    Fabled, fabulous. Are these related etymologically? Yes, looked it up, fabulosus (L.) from fabula. Fabula from fama and fari (all L.), to speak to tell. Love these poems, this feature with commentary.

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    Amanda Harris
    Jun 30, 11:39pm

    The idea of poetry as uniting an abstraction with something concrete did it for me. That's what I think when I write. My favorite out of this bunch was easily "The Clod and the Pebble". Diverse group of poems that shows a writer who challenges himself constantly--not far off of Sam's approach (even Sam's work differs both in themes and musically).

  • With_ted_3.thumb
    Bill Yarrow
    Jul 01, 01:02am

    Thanks you, Amanda, Ann, and Gary, for your kind comments.

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