Forum / 50th Story at Fictionaut

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Jun 25, 05:49pm

    I started this group with the intention of creating group topics related to "body of work" at Fictionaut. Some writers have used Fictionaut as a platform for sharing a body of work not created at Fictionaut or expressly for Fictionaut, but created elsewhere, on one's own, and published in journals, chapbooks, and books.

    My 50th story at Fictionaut is "Three Short Fictions" and my 100th story at Fictionaut is "Happiness in Love."


    This group has five or so other members. A few of those are active on the web site. If anyone else has issued his or her 50th (or 100th) story at Fictionaut and would like to join the group, send me a messsage that includes the name of your story. I'll invite you. Then send your 50th story.

    What is your body of work at Fictionaut? How do you use Fictionaut in relation to your body of work?

  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Jun 25, 05:50pm
  • Image.bedroom.009.expose.thumb
    Ann Bogle
    Jun 25, 05:54pm

    50th Story is a semi-private group -- you need an invitation to join but the content of the group is open to all -- devoted to Fictionauts who have posted their 50th Story (or poem or essay) to the wall at Fictionaut. If you've kept track of your contributions, then you may feel, as I do, that 50 titles represents the work of a book. Discussions will form around our contributions at Fictionaut as a body of work. If you'd like to join, send me a message. I'll send you an invitation, and you can send your 50th Story -- representing quite a bench mark -- to the group.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jun 26, 08:58am

    Cool idea, Ann!

    I'm only up to 33.

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