Forum / Beta Readers for a Book of Stories?

  • Coffee_house_lies_cover_for_kindle.thumb
    Carly Berg
    Jun 19, 10:05am

    Anybody up for it?

    I have tried to put my stories into some semblance of a book. It is mostly flash and micro with a few short stories, about 47,000 words.

    Most of them have been previously published. So, I put them all together and find I have zero objectivity.

    Happy to return the favor. Meanies especially wanted! :P

  • Coffee_house_lies_cover_for_kindle.thumb
    Carly Berg
    Jun 19, 10:40am

    New problems have come up from putting them all together. Fresh hell, yay! :P

    I have included almost everything I've written in the past year or so some of the weaker stuff probably needs to be weeded out. Of course I can't tell what actually is the weaker stuff. And I have used the same character names in some of the story. I did not realize I said "whoop!" so much or that some of the stories seem kind of alike when they're all together. Sooo, I'm sure there's more that I don't notice but others will. Anyone have that experience, new problems from putting the stories all together?

  • Jane.thumb
    Jane Flett
    Jun 19, 08:09pm

    Hi Carly, I loved your Oysteresque!

    I'd be happy to give you feedback. I can be mean.

    Maybe you can give me a similar favour in a while... I haven't quite finished my collection yet, but it's close and I will be looking for feedback.

    I have definitely noticed that a few of my stories, when put together, are talking about all the same things. Like wanting to end everything with people getting locked in random places...

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Jun 19, 10:13pm

    Jane truly *is* a meanie.

    I'd let her read my collection

    But she's locked me in some random place and won't let me out.


  • Coffee_house_lies_cover_for_kindle.thumb
    Carly Berg
    Jun 20, 02:18am

    Double thanks, Jane! I have to finish fixing the formatting, which keeps going wonky, and then I will send it.

    I'm sorry she's locked you up, Sally. But just think how the world will seem brand new and shiny when and if she ever lets you out. :P

    Anybody else? I'm happy to return the favor. *begs most unattractively*

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Jun 20, 04:35am

    Maybe an idea to run one of your stories on the main page with an author's note per above. Give folks a taste, a sample of your work.

    Lot of folks might not visit the forum.

    (Can you ask Jane to let me out please? It's cold in here.)

  • Coffee_house_lies_cover_for_kindle.thumb
    Carly Berg
    Jun 20, 04:44am

    Thanks, Sally, I will. Also, if anyone cares, lol, my writer's site link is on my profile page.

    I'm sorry but I don't want to chance making Jane mad before she betas my book! However, I'll send you a blanket. :P

  • Coffee_house_lies_cover_for_kindle.thumb
    Carly Berg
    Jun 22, 03:22pm

    Okay, I've got enough betas now. Thanks, everyone!

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