Forum / Rating and reviewing books.

  • Letitia_coyne.thumb
    Letitia Coyne
    Jun 13, 06:47am

    I read: The Fault In Our Three Stars by Lynn Beighley

    and: Andrea Coates posted to ALT LIT GOSSIP (SPREAD) at facebook -

    I have devised a System for rating Books. People are Free to use it.

    Books are judged on 3 Criteria:

    1. Clarity and Creativity of Prose

    2. Realism and Alluringness of Character(s)

    3. Depth and Thematic Relevance of Plot

    In Each Criteria, the Book is be given a Mark out of 5

    1 = Pretty Much Totally fails to meet Criteria ( is Basically inComprehensible Gibberish )

    2 = Displays Some, but Little, Merit

    3 = Average

    4 = Does a Satisfactory Job of meeting Criteria

    5 = Meets Criteria with the Aplomb of Genius

    There is also Bonus Round, which does not reflect on the Quality of the Book but does reflect on how Well it will sell.

    4. Catchiness of Author’s Persona.

    A Book can also be given a “General Mark” out of 5 which reflects if it is Mostly a 1 Book, a 2 Book, a 3 Book, etc. I would give .5s out for the “General Mark” but not for the Specific Grades, but that’s just me.

    [You can read the original post if you have no problems with an unpixelated closeup vagina at]

    I work in much the same way as Andrea, but I have no interest in the catchiness of the author's persona. I review mostly genre fiction, and each genre has very specific marks the story should hit to provide a satisfying read. That means allowing a score for getting the balance right.

    With ratings and reviews the single most important currency in the modern saturated book market, how do you rate and review the books you read?

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jun 16, 01:05pm

    I think persona is v. much an alt lit thing. Being a brand, etc.

    I've always used a system that goes something like:

    1. If stranded on a desert island, you *might* want to read this before using it as toilet paper.

    2. Good for airport lounges, waiting rooms.

    3. Pretty fun. Not really missing anything if you give it a miss, though.

    4. Really good! Might even reread it.

    5. Worth buying on paper.

  • Image.thumb
    Charlotte Hamrick
    Jun 17, 04:25am

    Totally with ya, @Frankie. Good, sound system. I give it a 5.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Jun 17, 08:57am

    I am not very good at reviews, or even comments, though. I always feel very self conscious.

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