Forum / Managing Private Groups (Fictionaut ProTips?)

  • Frankie Saxx
    Apr 05, 10:14am

    I admit, I am pretty bad about remembering to check in my groups and see if there's been any activity unless I happen to notice something in my feed on the front page. (I should really add the activity feeds from my public groups to my regular RSS reader.)

    Private groups don't have the RSS feed, though, and they're pretty clunky to navigate to because the only way to get to the private ones is going through "You." (And it was a while before I realized there was even a "Groups" tab next to stories. Had been relying on catching a link from the front page RSS. So embarrassing. Anyway.)

    So I made shortcut links and put them in my browser toolbar to remind myself to check them and make it easy. (I took a picture! Shiny! )

    Then I got thinking, other people must have methods for this too, so I was wondering how you guys keep up with your groups? (Mostly because if your ideas are better, I would like to steal them.)

  • Frankie Saxx
    Apr 05, 08:44pm

    Using the RSS for the group feed & putting it in my browser's built in reader works awesome so far. (Opera.) It's kind of like having my own Fictionaut Twitter.

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