Forum / Are you neurotypical or...

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Mar 23, 01:49am
  • Frankie Saxx
    Mar 23, 10:52am

    What is the answer for people that got bored with taking the test?

  • Dsc_7543.thumb
    Gloria Garfunkel
    Mar 23, 02:38pm


  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Mar 23, 05:13pm

    What do you call people who disrespect online psych tests?

  • Dsc_7543.thumb
    Gloria Garfunkel
    Mar 23, 05:37pm

    Oppositional-Defiant Disorder

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Mar 23, 06:12pm


  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Mar 23, 06:29pm

    (I'd post my score, but I'm afraid I'd be "sectioned," as they say in Merry Old Angleterre...)

  • Frankie Saxx
    Mar 23, 08:18pm

    Well, in my defense, it was full of vague questions. Like "Do you enjoy mimicking animal sounds?"

    Are we talking "I know forty seven different bird calls" or I sometimes pretend I'm a cat and sing "Mrow! Mrow!" to the tune of English Civil War or "Sometimes I bark in bed to freak out my sex partner."

    Cause everyone's done that last one, and it's fun.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Mar 23, 08:29pm

    You seem pretty normal to me, Crime Dawg. Maybe you read the scale backwards.

  • Dsc_7543.thumb
    Gloria Garfunkel
    Mar 23, 08:56pm

    No one but you has ever done that cat thing. We're talking a whole other category here.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Mar 23, 09:04pm

    Really? But it just fits so naturally with the song. Er, I mean, I can see how it would fit. If someone were to do that.

    It's normal to tie a string tail to my pants while I'm doing stuff to give the cats something to pounce though, right?

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Mar 23, 09:08pm

    ODD? I've been called ODD before, but.... I dinnit know it was listed.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Mar 23, 10:34pm

    "Do you have problems filling out forms?"

    I guess we know the answer to that one. :D

  • Dsc_7543.thumb
    Gloria Garfunkel
    Mar 23, 10:42pm

    Everyone does the cat string thing. You just have to remember to take the string off when you go outside because that would be odd.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Mar 23, 10:45pm

    Especially if all the neighborhood cats start following you and you end up leading a little cat parade to the post box.

  • Frankie Saxx
    Mar 23, 10:48pm

    Speaking of cats, Gloria:

    Happy Caturday.

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Mar 23, 10:55pm
  • Dsc_7543.thumb
    Gloria Garfunkel
    Mar 24, 12:06am

    Love it Frankie. So that's why cats are always following me. Crime Dog: I see this in my house all the time with three cats.Thanks guys.

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