Forum / An Explicit Invitation

  • Photo_00020.thumb
    Dec 19, 07:00pm

    Just shy of a year here and I'm in no habit of advertising in this Forum, but: I invite Fictionauters one and all to read and consider (with or without comment, here or at the essay page or on my wall) a somewhat atypical strannikov offering (atypical because of its relative lucidity), viz., strannikov's "Essay of Cranial Electrification and Empirical Clarification". I actively solicit comment both on the crisp clear clean prose, the polish and construction, of the essay in stylistic terms and also upon the content, whether the essay advances a helpful or valid notion. Helpful or no, the essay at least bears upon matters of perception and perspective and so may be suggestive to writers of fiction, even if in detail the central assertion may be viewed as wildly off the mark. (In the event I am overwhelmed with response, and even if not, I may not respond to each or to any comment: sometimes I can be furtive or shy, even or especially when I invite attention.) Grazie, spasibah, merci, danke, thanks.

  • Photo_00020.thumb
    Dec 20, 12:12am

    (You'd think he'd get it right, it's his essay, he wrote it--the correct title is: "Essay on Cranial Electrification and Empirical Clarification". Or that's the current title, the third or the fourth. [Pesky consonants and nuisance prepositions . . .])

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Dec 20, 12:19am
  • Photo_00020.thumb
    Dec 20, 12:42am

    Thank you, Joe: I'd never've thunk.

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Dec 20, 01:06am

    Thunking is half the game.

    You *gotta* thunk...

  • 62698557287.thumb
    Matthew Robinson
    Dec 20, 02:09am

    This is damn good work.

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Dec 20, 02:33am

    Conjunctively speaking...

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