Forum / The Case of the Disappearing Stories

  • Dsc_7543.thumb
    Gloria Garfunkel
    Oct 21, 01:21am

    Three times in the four months I've been here my most recent three to six stories have suddenly completely disappeared from the site, my profile page, the groups. Carson Baker has reassured me that he keeps back-ups of everything, but it is highly disturbing because I then lose count of when i can post next and have to wait a couple of days for my stories to magically reappear. I've had my own blog for years and this has never happened. I keep changing my password. Has this happened to anyone else and have you found a solution?

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Oct 21, 02:39am

    Not that exactly, but something similar. Last week I posted a thread saying that, when I click on the title of many of my 'private' stories, I get a message saying the story doesn't exist any more.

    This is still the case.

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Oct 21, 05:29am


  • Dsc_7543.thumb
    Gloria Garfunkel
    Oct 21, 07:24am

    Zero, thanks for making me laugh. Are you by any chance Nigerian and would a check help? Per story or bulk?gg

  • Rebel.thumb
    Sally Houtman
    Oct 21, 01:38pm

    Release my stories or...

    Somebody set up us the bomb.

  • Dscn4564.thumb
    Carol Reid
    Oct 21, 04:24pm

    I thought you guys were hallucinating, but my story just disappeared. It's like a literary panty raid. My hippie self says, go ahead, what's mine is yours..on the other hand...

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