Anyone know of an online lit venue that features flash, shorts, or poetry in audio and or video formats? Or perhaps stories presented in unique ways?
Michael, I asked Barry Friesen about this, since I knew he'd have a piece published in an audio online version. His, it turns out, is in "Sniplits." He was not sanguine about future pieces there, but you can check it out for yourself. He also mentioned "Every Day Fiction," which evidently will accept authors reading their own work. A new something from Amazon is called "Gorilla Amazon," which he says, probably rightly, threatens to steamroll whatever competition there might be in this narrow field. Now I think of it, seems like "Mad Hatter's Review," also published some pieces in audio and video formats.
Thanks, David. I'll check those out. Specifically looking for someplace that does this exclusively.
red fez, wordplaysound, carte blanche, 4'33", gone lawn, palooka, all took audio of my stories. lots seem to do it now. pank, but i've given up on them, and word riot, both do audio links to their stories.
Cool. Thanks James
Link to list of 116 places that offer free audio stories:
nice, barry!
On Barry's interesting list of free audio stories are 2 complete novels by fellow Fictionaut L. Lee Lowe, a terrific writer.