Hi fellow fictionauters!
This is a call for information on the best magazines in print or online to submit work to. Please share your advice and experience with me.
Sara T.
Go to Duotrope's and start swimming in the info. It's all there and it's wonderful.
You'll get the site figured out in a couple of days.
I send 'em a few bucks a couple of times a year, though the site is free.
Thanx Matt, i will definitely look at it.
That above link does not work (I didn't try to make it hot, so am surprised it shows up that way).
Also, go to Newpages.com, another wonderful site.
(maybe this will work...)
Wow, theres alot to sort through on those sights, thanx Matt!
they list them all, and you can go right onto the mag site from there and take a look and see what kind of work they choose, their guidelines, etc
whoops! just saw that Matt already covered New Pages, sorry to be redundant. Well it must be good if Matt and I both agree
whoops! just saw that Matt already covered New Pages, sorry to be redundant. Well it must be good if Matt and I both agree
whoops! just saw that Matt already covered New Pages, sorry to be redundant. Well it must be good if Matt and I both agree
whoops, fictionaut is weird today! thanx Susan!
Many if not all the ones in the Fictionaut Groups section are pretty sweet.
Try ditch for poetry.
Try Felino Soriano's Counterexample Poetics.
Try Gloom Cupboard
Good luck!
Thanx Brian and Bill!