Forum / Ad placement in posting

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Mar 12, 05:22pm

    By now, I am probably beginning to sound redundant and crotchety to bring it up, but I was just trying to read Barry Basden's latest short piece and there was a Google Chrome ad in the panel directly adjacent... flashing, spinning, exploding... very colorful, very busy.

    Having flashing advertisements directly adjacent to our writing is not only a distraction for the reader, but it seems entirely inimical to the literary concept. Reading requires attention and flashing advertisements should not be 'in your face' when you are trying to read someone's work.

    It's a turn off. Can these ads be placed at the top of the page so that when you are trying to read, the flash, bang, zap, pow of these ads no longer distracts?

    Change is nice, but this change detracts.

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Mar 12, 05:58pm

    Hi James: Seeing the ads must be based on a specific browser. I'm using Firefox and I don't see ANY ads at all. Maybe try another browser?

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Mar 12, 06:21pm

    Well there's flies on me
    and there's flies on you
    but there ain't no fliiiiiiiiies
    on Jesus...
    (old tine spiritual I found out about while watching "Joes Gould's Secret," which, in this instance, translates into: I don't see no ads either.)

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Mar 12, 08:14pm

    I get it when using google chrome.

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Mar 12, 09:53pm


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