Forum / "Dillweed is a biannual journal...

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Feb 03, 12:52am

    published in the spring and fall of each year. All rights revert back to author. Knock our socks off!"


    Dear Dillweed Poetry Journal,

    1. Your journal is a *semi-annual* publication, what with "semi-annual" conveying (to anyone, that is, with a basic education and simple grasp of the English language) strong overtones of LESS THAN ONE YEAR (which allows for your vaunted two issues). A bi-annual journal, on the other hand, would appear ONCE EVERY TWO YEARS!!

    Let's break it down, shall we?

    Semi-annual = once every six months (excellent)
    Annual = once a year (good)
    Bi-annual = once every two years (BAD!)

    2. "revert back" (*sigh*)is a rather obvious redundancy, wouldn't you say? (Esp. as nothing can "revert forward"!)

    3. I have no interest in your socks.

    3. Please consider my poems for publication in Dillweed Poetry Journal.

    Thanks for your time,

    Antagonistes Spalatos

  • Dscn4564.thumb
    Carol Reid
    Feb 03, 01:23am

    They musta meant bienniel. Dillweed being bienniel. That would explain it.

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Feb 03, 01:29am

    Ha! I've run across some ungrammatical (and downright hilarious, in a bad way) submission standards and explanations. I don't submit my work when my first year students can write better sentences than the "editor." My feeling is if he or she doesn't care enough to get the little things right, what might be mangled when "editing" my work for publication?

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Feb 03, 01:30am

    If we're talking about Camera Obscura Journal.... Oh, sorry... now they'll know you're talking trash about them. Dang, sorry.

    Hope they have a sense of humor.

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Feb 03, 02:00am

    But he didn't show us this part, James: "Contributors include established, as well as, emerging writers and photographers..." Why is as well as being punctuated as an appositive? Why?

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    Feb 03, 03:53am

    "Excessive punctuation is the vestigial remains of, or, more properly, the inarguable, certain evidence of, the idea that humans are descended of carnivorous apes."

    Chuck Darwin

  • Night_chorus_book_cover.thumb
    Joani Reese
    Feb 03, 03:55am

    You made me spit on my keyboard. Dude!

  • 0001_pabst_blue_ribbon_time.thumb
    Feb 03, 05:03am

    P.S. Consider the clam, taxonomic class Bivalvia...

    (pity the semi-valve!)

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