Forum / How to you "invite" a fellow writer?

  • pam rosenblatt
    Feb 19, 07:49pm

    How does one invite a fellow writer to join I've tried clicking on the
    invite icon and putting my cursor in the email box but the cursor never appears in the box. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Thank you in advance for any suggestions!

  • Trees.thumb
    Carol Reid
    Feb 19, 08:26pm

    Pam , when you click on the invite icon, does it tell you how many invites you have to give? You might not have any right now. I've got a couple I don't need.

  • pam rosenblatt
    Feb 20, 08:12am

    Thank you, Carol, for your message. No, I don't have any invites to give on my invite icon...How does one get invites to give?

  • Trees.thumb
    Carol Reid
    Feb 20, 10:46am

    Pam, if you send a message to Jurgen Fauth and ask him to set you up with some invites, I'm sure he'll help you out!

  • pam rosenblatt
    Feb 20, 10:48am

    Thank you, Carol. I'll do that right away!

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