Forum / Long post

  • L%20strattner%20photo.thumb
    Larry Strattner
    Dec 02, 04:18am

    I posted a 3000+ word story, Three of Swords and the system cut it off.
    I know there's been discussion about readership of longer stories but, is this now a system requirement?


  • Author_wide.thumb
    Jürgen Fauth
    Dec 02, 12:01pm

    Hi Larry,

    there's a bug that cuts off long stories at some point, but there isn't a *rule* against long stories. Hope that makes sense. I'll talk to Carson about what the problem is and if we can easily lift that limit.

  • Author_wide.thumb
    Jürgen Fauth
    Dec 06, 09:50am

    OK, the limit has been raised! Carson tells me it's now "a little more than 4.25 billion characters."

    So, post away!

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