Forum / Interactive Interview

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    Oct 14, 04:12pm

    Poet Lucien Quincy Senna interviewed me at Red Lemonade over the past couple of weeks. The interview can be viewed & annotated <a href="">here</a> or you can read it in linear format at the very snazzy <a href="">nthWord here</a>.

    We discuss a number of interesting writing issues, including writing in another language than your own & krautish 3500 word tour de force. Enjoy & would love to get your comments!

  • Darryl_falling_water.thumb
    Darryl Price
    Oct 14, 05:34pm

    " Though I’m grateful for the feedback that I’ve received, I’m really looking for publication & support." Thank you, Marcus, for once more going to the truth of our art. We need interaction and constant stimulation to keep it all going in the right direction, and in this game, you can't afford to rest on anything. Here on display is your usual humility, humor and wacky wisdom I've personally come to love. I think any writer will come away from this interview more aware of what it is we seek to do, and with a better understanding of the challenges before us:to remain true to ourselves, to make a little grace where possible, and to keep seeking a better way to express ourselves.Your attitude alone is worth the price of admission.Thank you for being such a beacon. You light up many dark corners with your presence.

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    Ann Bogle
    Oct 14, 05:39pm

    I had a chance to read the linear version at nthWord and will return to view the Red Lemonade version. The questions and answers are satisfying to read, enlightening. Great!

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Oct 14, 09:34pm

    Having given up on Red Lemonade, which suffers a bit from fuzzy formatting and limited inclusion, I read the wonderful nthWord version. Goot asay ... if you get any smarter, Marcus, you will supplant many famous and relevant philosophical voices on the internet.

    I hope your 'offline' writing is going well. I really want to buy a Marcus Speh novel.

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    James Lloyd Davis
    Oct 14, 09:37pm

    Goot asay? Chirst on a cupcake! I meant to write "Gotta say..." I've not been drinking. Honest.

  • Kreuzberg,%20germany%201992.thumb
    Robert Vaughan
    Oct 14, 10:03pm

    Marcus, along with the outstanding writing that you do, you also give such an incredible interview. Brilliant, honest, and insightful. What more might another writer ask for?

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    MaryAnne Kolton
    Oct 14, 11:40pm

    Brilliant, Marcus, as usual!

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    Bill Yarrow
    Oct 15, 01:58am

    Enjoyed, Marcus. I share many (many many) of your enthusiasms. You are absolutely right about the shallowness of Nabokov and the depth of Dostoyevsky. So glad you mentioned Frisch, Durrenmatt, Musil, and Walser. Are you a fan of Peter Handke? A terribly important writer for me.

  • Frankenstein-painting_brenda-kato.thumb
    Sam Rasnake
    Oct 15, 02:54am

    Wonderful interview, Marcus. Yes.

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    John Riley
    Oct 15, 11:35am

    Great interview, Marcus. Another vote for Dostoyevsky. Depth over brilliance.

  • Michaeljsolender-headshot1.thumb
    Michael J. Solender
    Oct 15, 11:51am

    I am particularly fascinated by the yardsticks in which you measure your success/advancement as a writer. Satisfaction (or not) with vanity milestones, while flattering and balm for the ego don't offer near the depth of reward found in publication as you mention. Great take on this slice of your endeavors Marcus you are an inspiration to me.

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Oct 15, 11:20pm

    Remarkable interview by our own Monsieur Speh, a man of the penis but not of the envy.

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