Forum / Books

  • With_ted_3.thumb
    Bill Yarrow
    Oct 09, 05:08pm

    OK, here's the deal.

    I have WAY too many books and want to give them away to people who will make use of them. (Libraries will just discard them).

    So, message me and tell me what kinds of things you like to read (genres, periods, countries, authors, specific titles...) and I'll see if I have anything that fits.

    I'll let you know the titles I have. If you are interested, you can have the books as long as you pay the postage.

    Happy reading!


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    brian warfield
    Oct 10, 03:23am

    um, so my internet just did a weird thing, so i'm posting this here. i like hemingway but don't own any. i like vonnegut and philip k. dick. i also like cotemporary writers like tao lin and absurdist stuff. i've been reading wave books poetry like the book of frank by caconrad. i like being introduced to obscure excellent writers. i think i would like anything you sent me.

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    MaryAnne Kolton
    Oct 10, 03:43am


    Doesn't your library have an annual used book sale? Nothing over two dollars. If they don't you could suggest it. Surely, they could use the extra money.

    Some Senior care centers also have libraries and accept donations. You might also check with the local high school libraries.

    Or sell them to a used book store, like the Book Cellar, in Naperville, and donate the money to a local food pantry.

    Just some ideas that don't involve shipping. . .

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    Susan Gibb
    Oct 11, 11:52am

    I've been trying to catch up on a century (or more) of the so-called "classics" in literature and used to hound library sales. I also used to read constantly. Now I'm reading the short pieces here and elsewhere and it seems I don't have the attention span for novels. Used to review as I read too. But if you have a list, I'd love to see it!

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