Forum / would anyone be willing to read a collection of poetry?

  • Spaceinvaders.thumb
    brian warfield
    Oct 05, 03:07pm

    i'm looking for someone to give critical feedback to my collection of very short poetry. there are 75 poems and they range from 2 lines to maybe 75 words max.
    i am currently sending these poems out for publication with the hopes of getting a chapbook and the whole collection eventually published and i would appreciate any kind of guidance i can get. thanks.

  • With_ted_3.thumb
    Bill Yarrow
    Oct 05, 03:10pm

    Why not start posting some of them to Fictionaut?

  • Fictionaut.thumb
    W.F. Lantry
    Oct 05, 03:37pm


    Bill's idea of simply posting some of them is probably best. You can always make each private after you've gotten a day or two of feedback...

  • Spaceinvaders.thumb
    brian warfield
    Oct 05, 09:39pm

    of course. i guess i've noticed that the comments and feedback don't tend to be too thorough or critical here, which is fine. but maybe if i added a note specifically asking for private feedback, that would work? i guess i was also worried about having submitted these poems for publication and problems with making those poems public here.

  • Fictionaut.thumb
    W.F. Lantry
    Oct 05, 10:02pm


    People worry about this all the time, and it's as silly as those people who used to write, by hand, a little c with a circle around it before they let anyone see a story. All you have to do is reset them to private before you submit them. They'll disappear from the cache soon enough. If I worried about things like that I never would have published a thing. In fact, most of the stories I've published first saw the light of day here. There are way bigger things to worry about! ;)

    My guess is that what you need most is to collaborate with your colleagues, to get other people's feedback, etc., and the best thing to do is to get as many eyeballs on the work as possible. If you bury your treasures in the forest, for fear of one thing or another, it'll likely stay buried there forever. Bring it out into the sun, where it can shimmer and sparkle in the light!



  • Spaceinvaders.thumb
    brian warfield
    Oct 05, 11:55pm

    thanks for the advice. i do have a tendency to hide away. i should learn to be a little more brazen.

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