Forum / Matt Potter's Own Travel Story Up at Pure Slush !

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Sep 16, 09:36pm

    Editor Matt Potter has presented a remarkable selection of eclectic "travel" stories this past month and a half.
    Now his own story about going to Turkey is there at Pure Slush for you to enjoy~

  • Matt004sm.thumb
    Matt Potter
    Sep 17, 01:57am

    Ha! Thanks Susan, for participating and enthusiasm!

  • S._tepper--nov--lighter.thumb
    Susan Tepper
    Sep 17, 03:09am

    As you know, Matt, and as I've written many times this summer in the Forum, your Travel Junket saved this particular travel-starved writer from...
    well it was just great!!!
    Bon Voyage!

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