Forum / Meg's Prompts

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    MaryAnne Kolton
    Sep 05, 12:58am

    I see people continually thanking yiou for your prompts. Where can I find them?

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    Jim V
    Sep 05, 01:10am

    They used to be at Used Furniture Review. I don't know anymore. She sometimes put them up on Facebook.

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    Tantra Bensko
    Sep 12, 05:50pm

    I think she puts them up about every day at Facebook on her wall. They're great fun, and sometimes I end up with stories I really like from using them. Unfortunately, people sometimes have trouble getting the stories to "stick" to her wall. So after posting in the comments, check to see if they stuck. Sometimes repeated trying helps. For me, usually it doesn't. I like reading others' stories from her prompts though.

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