Forum / e-reader

  • Self_portrait.thumb
    eamon byrne
    May 18, 01:21am

    I’ve been working over the past year on a pure javascript e-reader. The program is on display as a web site ( I’ve tested it on these browsers: internet explorer, firefox and safari.

    The program has a very minimalist interface and enables reading entirely without scrolling. Single key page turning is supported, as is single or dual page mode, font and typeface selection, text and background color selection, auto bookmarking, text stats, etc, etc. A full help screen is available through a menu item. I think it’s superior to many commercial e-readers as it stands, though it’s still being worked on.
    Therefore, I’d appreciate any constructive feedback or suggestions. I’m particularly interested to know if the program displays on cellphone and similar devices such as an ipad. Also whether the print functions work on various printers.

    Many thanks.

  • Author_photo.thumb
    James Lloyd Davis
    May 18, 03:52pm

    This is such a clean look. Minimal, but very functional and bears just the right sort of buttons and dials. More would be messy and unnecessary. Especially enjoyed the auto-wiki link. I'll try to remember to test the print functions when I have time. Not modern enough to give feedback on things like IPads, blueberries, cell phones and such.

  • Mosaic_man_marcus.thumb
    Marcus Speh
    May 18, 05:17pm

    i like it, too - clean, options - and i'm looking forward to playing with it later. on google chrome it doesn't work very well so far, but no problem on firefox either. chrome (i use it for speed) can't do everything - sacrifices scripts to performance, so that's not unexpected.

  • Self_portrait.thumb
    eamon byrne
    May 19, 03:45am

    Thanks for the feedback. The program probably won't work under most browsers. All the main browsers use different javascript engines, which is the problem. I think internet explorer, firefox and safari account for over 80% of web users. They should all be ok. Safari is important because that's what ipad and iphone use.

    Marcus, agree that chrome is a very good and fast browser. But for text processing Firefox has more functionality.

    Strongly advise hitting F11 to use the program totally full-screen.

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