Forum / thirtynine is HERE!

  • Dsc_0162.thumb
    Michelle Elvy
    May 11, 01:07am

    Howdy again --

    52|250's third quarterly, THIRTYNINE, has just launched:

    It includes stories, poetry, and art by a wonderful variety of writers and artists including fictionauters Len Kuntz, Susan Tepper, Linda Simoni-Wastila, Matt Potter, Catherine Russell, Stephen Hastings-King, Robert Vaughan, Guy Yasko, Catherine Davis, Coleen Shin, Melissa McEwen, John Riley, Marcus Speh, Christian Bell, Sam Rasnake, Catherine Russell, Claire King, Randal Houle, Boudreau Freret, Michael J. Solender, Kelly Grotke, Doug Bond, Nicolette Wong, Dorothee Lang, Susan Gibb, Michelle McEwen, Martin Brick, Tina Barry, Beate Sigriddaughter, Roberta Lawson, and Darryl Price.

    THANKS TO ALL who made the third quarter so fantastic.

    And yes, we're feeling kinda pinky-purple today!


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    Susan Gibb
    May 11, 01:00pm

    Great issue, Michelle! Thank you and Walter and John for all this.

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