I have published in a handful of Internet Zines. I don't seem to "fit" in a lot of them.
To get a message out to the world. To make a difference. To try continually to break out of the mold. To create.
Ben Marcus, Mary Gaitskill, William Gay, Joyce Carol Oates, Kurt Vonnegut, Raymond Carver, Louise Erdrich, Kathy Acker, William S. Burroughs, Kafka, Emily Dickinson, Faulkner, Virginia Wolff, Poe, Strand, etc. etc.... I am into fiction that truly is different (in a brilliant kind of way) and evocative/moving (and at least a little socially conscious). I am not finding a lot of this in the current literary scene.
No one has written on ZimZim's wall.
No one has written on ZimZim's wall.