ABOUT ME (?): Cynic (sooner or later, you must answer for every good deed!!!), optimist (sometimes the magic works, and sometimes it doesn't)...born too late (a flintlock man in a machine-gun universe)....or maybe too early (Still don't know what I want to be when I grow up)...always looking at the bigger picture (in microscopic detail)...artist(painter)/poet (self-deluded),... east coast transplant to the wild wild west...New Jersey-New Yorker turned Colorado Cowboy...appraiser,actor...teacher,truck driver...bartender,body guard...Guns and Chopin...complicated and simple...cruel and kind...intuitive and clueless...intelligent and ignorant...we are sometimes what we say... but always what we do... born again Christian with a film noir past (forgive, but first get even)...different but essentially the same as everyone else...
Irony and the unusual....pain or joy and eternal misplaced hope and optimism....heroes, villains,..... God, mercy, faith, justice...
Herman Hesse, Harold Robins, Harlan Ellison, W. Somerset Maugham, W.H. Auden
you're makin' this up, right?
anyway, welcome to here---is a good spot.
you're makin' this up, right?
anyway, welcome to here---is a good spot.