Stacy Sims

Occupation Writer, mover, connector

About Me

I am a writer. I am author of the novel SWIMMING NAKED ("A brutally moving first novel" Chicago Tribune), NEBRASKA: A NOVEL, and the playwright of AS WHITE AS O ("Compelling, humorous, often fluidly poetic." Variety). I have recently finished THE VIVIAN GIRLS: A MUSICAL.

I am also the founder and director of True Body Project. We promote classes, workshops and community engagement projects designed to help participants connect to their bodies, their artistic voices, and to each other.

We have produced 8 theatrical works, a documentary film, a literary journal and an earth work in Cincinnati, NY, and Los Angeles. Our classes are held across the country and I travel to do workshops. I just returned from Cambodia where I worked with teen survivors of sex trafficking.

Finally, I am a movement educator and the founder of Pendleton Pilates. I have a Pilates, yoga and dance practice and am happiest on a day when I get to write, move my body, and connect with others.

Why do you write?

I am inspired by art and philosophy and science and human stories.

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