Michael Charles Rundle

Location London, UK
Occupation Journalist
Website http://michaelrundle.com

About Me

Michael Charles Rundle is a writer, editor and illustrator who lives in London.

Currently the Editor of AOL's Asylum and the writer of a weekly column for Daily Finance, I have written for the BBC, The Brooklyn Rail, Metro, DailyFinance.com and Spinner Music, among others.

I won the Cambridge University CineCam Screenplay award in 2004 and I was the president of the Cambridge University Writers Guild.

Why do you write?

Currently I write short and long narrative fiction and radio plays. Recently I finished my first novel, Demetri Vs. The Sky, which is about the last boy alive and his descent into the hollow earth.

Any favorite authors? Books?

Some include Italo Calvino, Jack Kerouac and the graphic novelist Jason. My favourite book is Invisible Cities, by Italo Calvino.

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