Chris Gilpin is a two-time member of the Vancouver Poetry Slam Team (2008 & 2009), the runner-up in the 2008 Vancouver Individual Poetry Slam competition, the champion of Vancouver's 2008 Haiku Death Match, and winner of the Vancouver's 2009 CBC Poetry Face-off.
He is a director-at-large of the Vancouver Poetry House and the program coordinator of Word Play, Poetry in Schools program.
In the summer of 2006, he toured the Canadian Fringe circuit with his play "87% True: The Lies That Bind", co-created with Rosemary Rowe. His literary work has been published in Vancouver Review, Poetry is Dead, 42opus, The GIG, and others. He performs as part of the interactive multimedia clown rock supergroup Awesome Face.
Samuel Beckett, Haruki Murakami, Leonard Cohen.