Benjamin Buchholz

Occupation Author / Army Officer

About Me

I'm a US Army Officer and, currently, a student in the Princeton Near East Studies graduate program. My first novel ONE HUNDRED AND ONE NIGHTS was just released at the beginning of December 2011 by Little, Brown. My fiction and poetry have appeared widely, including in two editions of "Best of the Web" from Dzanc Press. I'm married and have two sons. I blog about Middle East culture (and our flawed western perceptions of it) at

Why do you write?

Since the folks at Huffington Post were so kind as to publish my schpeil on this subject, here is a link to that article:

Any favorite authors? Books?

Umberto Eco. John Irving. Colleen McCullough. Patrick O'Brien. John Steinbeck.

I am now mostly reading academic and original source material in Near East studies. I tweet about some of the fascinating tidbits extracted from hours and hours of tedium at @mialaylawalayla

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