How to Have a Fulfilling Sexual Relationship with Your Own Parents (Part One)

by Smiley McGrouchpants, Jr-Esq-III

               "Hi, I'm Alexander Payne.  I hate sex.  Don't get me wrong: it's a beautiful, fulfilling part of human experience, and it perpetuates the species — but, it creeps me out.  I'd rather have sex with my parents!  Yes, it's true: invoking the act is, maybe, 'Stage One' of actual coitus . . . so, why not 'talk dirty' with Mom and Dad?  Why not . . . we're all so 'ribald,' nowadays . . . hey!  I should make a movie about it!

                                             THE END

               "And the award goes to — "


               "And the hoopla, esteem, time & energy are taken up by—"

                                             OH DEAR LORD!
                                             (MAKE IT STOP!)

RUNNING TIME: Variable, depending upon how much "mental space" you have,
                                available, to avoid it with!