Glad to see this group up and running. I do have one question as to where to add comment when the piece is actually up at the regular posting first before it can be transferred and posted here. If I comment (as I did) on the story itself, it then takes me away from the Workshop group. This means that the comments are no longer private--is that right?
Hi Susan, good to see you here in 'The Workshop' - and good question:
"Where to add comment when the piece is actually up at the regular posting first before it can be transferred and posted here?"
Just to clarify: if a text is published in regular posting, then it will remain visible and in the regular list of texts - adding it to 'The Workshop' group doesn't change that. (Just like adding a text to a magazine group doesn't change the text status).
This means: to comment, you use the usual way: the comments field next to the text. Which show up like usual.
The idea of 'The Workshop' group is to actively invite critique - if you add a text to this group, feedback is more likely, and especially suggestions for changes / corrrections, as people know that the author looks for those.
Plus, there is the option to start threads about specific themes.
If you have published a text in Fictionaut and want some constructive feedback, or feel the text still isn't all fitting yet, then try The Workshop:
-> Add your text to this group (to do that, go to your text, then click on the “Group it” button above the title.) (note: your text will still be visible in the regular story-listing)
-> As a starter for feedback, add a comment with a note on the text/ or with specific questions.
-> Consider giving some feedback in return, to keep the workshop moving.
NOTE: there also is a "HIDDEN" Workshop. If you are working on a story or a poem, and want some feedback, but don't want your text to be visible for everyone already, then leave a note in the "Doormat" thread, and you will receive an invite for "The Hidden Workshop".
This is a public group.
Anyone can see it and join.