GALLERY | Artwork Jim Fuess
COMEDY | Fuck Me Ray Bradbury Rachel Bloom
NONFICTION | On Stupidity Gary Percesepe
On the Way Down: A Story for Ray Bradbury Ben Loory
Zero Dark Thirty John Emerson
Monkeys in Heaven Corey Mesler
Air: But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul In Hell Anne Babson
Shark Geometry Anastasia Andersen
CLASSICS SERIES | A Little Fable Franz Kafka
AUGUST WINNER | Archaelology of the Present Minal Hajratwala
SEPTEMBER CONTEST | Hands of an Artist Clarence Alford, guest edited by Ben Loory
The Doctor T. J. Eckleburg Review is an independent non-profit literary magazine that promotes intermedia, hybrid, realism, magic realism and everything in between.
All submissions should go through the Eckleburg submissions page. Please read the guidelines carefully.
http://thedoctortjeckleburgreview.comThis is a public group.
Anyone can see it and join.