Discussion → BLIP Upcoming Issue, Accepting Submissions

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    Gary Percesepe
    Nov 05, 05:27pm

    Next Issue:
    Jan­u­ary 2011
    Selected and edited by Court­ney Eldridge
    The Shock of the Then. Accept­ing sub­mis­sions after Novem­ber 1, 2010. Send sub­mis­sions after Nov. 1 to editors@blipmagazine.net.


    A Note About Submissions
    BLIP is posted quar­terly. Each issue has a guest edi­tor. To sub­mit work you should con­tact the guest edi­tor directly. Links to guest edi­tors and infor­ma­tion about themes of upcom­ing issues will always be listed on the Upcom­ing page of the mag­a­zine. If no edi­tors or upcom­ing issues are listed, then the mag­a­zine is not read­ing new work for the moment.

    Ordi­nar­ily, how­ever, you will find the names of edi­tors who have issues in progress, with notes about what kinds of things these edi­tors are look­ing for. Please con­tact these edi­tors directly with queries and submissions.
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