I'm not sure if you actually have to be an administrator to add stories to a group, but if not, please consider adding your stories published in SmokeLong to the stories here.
(I ask because I can't add stories by other folks, or if I can, I'm not sure how...)
Anybody who's a member of a group can add stories and post to the group discussion. We're thinking about adding a way to request that a story be added to a group, but for now you could work around that by sending a message to the writer or leaving a comment on the story. You can invite people to join the group with the "invite someone" link at the bottom of the right column.
Now I just wish I'd had a story in SLQ so I could add it!
SmokeLong Quarterly is dedicated to bringing the best flash fiction to the web on a quarterly basis, whether written by widely published authors, or those new to the craft. Published since 2003.
http://smokelong.comThis is a public group.
Anyone can see it and join.